January 29th, 2011

Today we are here I think, for two reasons. We are here to show solidarity with the heroes of the streets in Egypt. We are here to show solidarity with the political prisoners in Egypt. We are here to show solidarity with the workers who declared an open strike and a sitting until bringing down the regime Mobarak. And we are here to celebrate, celebrate a new dawn, a new dawn for the Egyptian people, a new dawn for freedom, a new dawn, a new society in the whole region not in not in Egypt. This is something that every single human being who cares for freedom, who, who wants to live in a more human society, in a more humane society, has to celebrate. We are here to do this.
(I can’t hear the question)
It’s something I had hopped against all hope to happen in my lifetime. I had hopped and I think with millions of people, that our children would live in a more human society. But this society we are lucky enough that the heroes in Egypt are making today. They are not waiting for our children to dream, they are bringing all of our dreams through today. And so it in the factories in Tahrir Square, the biggest square in the Arab world is being liberated today, from this regime.
I can’t hear you… I am proud to be Egyptian today, I can say this, and I am proud of all the Egyptians today. I am proud of the masses who are cleansing Egypt of the dirt of the criminals who have been oppressing us. I am proud of all the Egyptians who are cleansing themselves of all remanence of fear, of… I am proud of an Egyptian being and of the masses who colectively and singlely have raised their head up high and no-one, no-one will bring it down again. No-one. No-one
(If you could say something to the people of Egypt today, what would it be)
I have to say it in Arabic first [----] I call on you, I call upon you out there. I kiss the dust under your feet. I say this to the masses of Egypt to the heroes today.

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